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More detailed information about the borough is also available on the Sandwell Profiles or JSNA pages.
The latest population estimate for Sandwell is 347,551 people.
(2023 mid-year estimate, ONS)
Population Change
The population of Sandwell is projected to increase by 30,300 people between 2016 and 2030.
(ONS, 2016)
Sandwell is ranked 12th most deprived Local Authority out of the 317 in England.
(IoD, 2019, Rank of Average Score)
Sandwell is an ethnically diverse borough. 48% of residents are from black and minority ethnic communities. This compares to 26% in England and Wales.
(2021 Census)
Life Expectancy at birth in Sandwell is 75.7 years for males and 80.6 years for females. Compared to 78.9 for males and 82.8 for females in England.
(Fingertips PHE, 2020/22)
In March 2021, Sandwell had 130,246 household spaces. 54% of households were in owner-occupation, 27% social rented and 19% rented from a private landlord.
(2021 Census)
Six Towns
Sandwell is a metropolitan borough which was formed in 1974. The Borough comprises of 6 towns – Oldbury, Rowley Regis, Smethwick, Tipton, Wednesbury and West Bromwich.
In March 2021, 29% of Sandwell residents had no qualifications, compared to 24% in the West Midlands and 18% in England & Wales.