Research Sandwell has published some useful methodological briefing notes:

Area Definitions in Sandwell

A Guide to Sampling and Statistical Reliability

How to Consult: Quantitative Surveys

Other useful documents:

A guide to evaluation resources

Sandwell LGBTQ+ Health Needs Report 2023


Sandwell Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) October 2022

A local PNA is a comprehensive assessment of the current and future pharmaceutical needs of the local population for community pharmacy, dispensing appliance contractors and (where relevant) doctors’ services and it identifies any gaps in the current service provision. PNAs will be key documents for the NHS England in informing its decisions on applications to open new pharmacies and dispensing appliance contractor premises as well informing their commissioning of enhanced services from pharmacies. Local authorities and clinical commissioning groups will also make use of the PNA when commissioning their services.

Sandwell PNA October 2022

Sandwell PNA October 2022 - Appendices