There are 130,246 households with residents in Sandwell. The average household size in Sandwell is 2.42, which slightly above the England & Wales average of 2.4.
In terms of household composition, in 2021, 38,042 households in Sandwell are made up of only one person.
62.1 % of households in Sandwell are deprived in at least one dimension or measure of household deprivation (compared with 51.7% in England & Wales); this number has decreased since 2011, when it was 69.5%.

Household change since 2011
Since 2011, Sandwell overall has seen an increase of 7.2% in the number of households. According to the 2021 Census, the ward with the largest number of households is Soho & Victoria (6,277), whilst the smallest is Bristnall (4,765).
Housing and Car Ownership